Hi, I’m Pete.
In my life there’s one leading mantra: Love wins!
in the past five decades, I’ve worn many hats.
Musician, husband & Dad, non-profit funder & director, Biologist, outdoor enthusiast, spiritual seeker, Type 1 Diabetic, ADHD, JRR Tolkien fan, introvert, depression, skier, poor, cisgender, white, sports fan, handyman, brother & son, lover of musical theater, dog owner, comedy improver … to name a few!
One of my greatest passions in life is understanding how we can live fully realized lives & create beautiful work while doing that!
I’ve got to have conversations that take me somewhere, I can’t do small talk.
I’ve had some magical moments in my life and some less magical, more dark ones.
Along the way, I’ve hit some major road blocks.
That resulted in all the classics symptoms: stress, burnout, overwhelm, stuck-ness, frustration, depression.
So I had to learn.
After working my own mind, I became a coach because I found people felt they could get unstuck from their own negative thinking by being in conversation with me - all while feeling safe and free to keep showing up for themselves.
I believe my one job is to point people back to their own inner wisdom & truth and the feelings of relief, empowerment, ease and even joy.
As a lifelong learner, I have spent thousands of hours, either in live trainings or with books with: Elizabeth Gilbert, Viktor Frankl, Byron Katie, Tony Robbins, Eckhart Tolle, Neale Donald Walsch, Martha Beck, Jen Sincero, Deepak Chopra, Ram Daas, Napoleon Hill, Abraham-Hicks, George Mumford, Simone Seol, Serena Hicks, Kristen Carder, and many, many more. While spending countless hours in the study of Buddhism, Taoism and Meditation.
I’ve learned how to better manage my stress, and improve relationships and outcomes at work. Thank you Pete for opening this door for me! This practice (is for) anyone seeking to improve how they handle stress in life and convert negative energy into fuel for positive change.
— Jeffrey W.
VP Strategy, Dart Corporation