The Self Story group program!
…in their words…
“I really used to feel so much pressure to stay in control of stuff, and it was because of a very, very, very driving fear of lack of control. But, the proof is in the pudding in that just allowing things and not trying so hard to control them is consistently getting me better outcomes than the incredible amount of stress and effort I was putting into trying to control things.”
- Founding Self Story member
The better my story, the better my life!
This program is part ‘mastermind,’ part direct coaching, part self expansion, part blending of spiritual & practical skills AND 100% transformative and cutting edge.
Membership includes:
*Live weekly group calls: new learning, coaching and energetic result of being in a group of powerful peers
*Private podcast link: all weekly recordings and other skills to master are available here
*Private FB group: share wins, read others’ journeys with similar situations to yours
*Membership portal: Modules of learning, videos, downloadable docs, and growing with all new materials such as new workshops.
Week by week, you will learn & practice the tools and skills, of the Self Kindness Principles, while we will move through specific themes of focus.
Some of the many themes include:
Self Trust, Abundance, Self Confidence
Shifting from feeling so stressed, overwhelmed, frustrated, unempowered, stuck
Self Acceptance, Staying grounded
Connection to self and others, Purpose & Compelling Future
Emotional Readiness
Re programming our minds
Humans are storytellers.
With each story a choice is being made, where to focus!
Every thought, every conversation, every belief is YOU telling your story everyday, it’s you focusing on what aspects of the story you are adding your attention to.
You do this with the thoughts about yourself, many of which have been on repeat for decades. When people ask you what you do, or about your day - your response is how you are telling the story.
Each telling is a creative act, one that can either feel good or feel not so good.
The brilliance of this understanding lies in its simplicity:
By beginning to tell a different story, you will see that your story changes and unfolds in the direction of the way you’re telling it!
This has always been at work in your life, you are constantly telling little stories about the future & the past.
When you shift the narrative right now in this moment, you create major shifts in your life.
The biggest hurdle? The momentum of your current thoughts.
These are thoughts (narratives) that you’ve been telling for a lifetime.
You’re good at these stories, they’re well known, just like you know your favorite book or movie.
Did you ever wish your favorite book or movie could change a little bit? Well, your life story can and will!
How this group coaching program works:
LIVE calls will offer a WEEKLY opportunity to be coached (or witness others being coached) on any mental or emotional resistance or challenges.
The WEEKLY Live call also includes a rich group conversation to stimulate new understandings of how to implement these skills. You will come away from each call revitalized and encouraged.
To master the tools to understand the “blocks” in your own mind for creating the narrative exactly how you want to tell it.
You will be shown and invited to “re-write” your story through witnessing your own inner story.
You will be invited to expand and deepen any spiritual or feeling connection in your life. However that resonates with you, it could be a formal practice like meditation or informal like walking in nature.
You will be immersed in a group of people walking the same journey with you, with access to that group as much or as little as you are being called to.
You will be given practical “course” work to learn, strengthen and master these skills.
Who is this for:
A person who desires to expand on multiple levels: practical, financial, career, spiritual, relationships
A person who feels they have something that is blocked within and they want it to feel more freedom
A person who has felt stuck and is ready to be free and create a life in their own fashion
A person who knows there’s got to be more than what a stressed out culture promises in this life
A person who is now ready to be free after feeling they were told to tamp down or hold themselves back for the sake of others
A person who loves to go deeper in self exploration
A person who wants to rediscover the lost parts of themself
A person who wants to feel good, more of the time
A person wanting to play on the edge of human possibility, and to be an example of what is possible in that expansive space
A person who wants to believe more in magic and mystery and miracles in their life
A person who is ready to allow more of their authentic self
A person who knows that their self talk is a result of other people and does not represent their true selves
A person who wants to play more, be more joyful, feel more delighted
A person who wants to lead by example
A person curious to be an expression of unconditional love
Annual Membership
Annual - $1,000 USD Buy Now
Monthly - $85 USD Buy Now
Or click HERE for a 15 minutes consultation!
Upon making your payment in full or initial. monthly payment, you will receive an email verification and access to Your membership!!
(most access emails sent within a few hours, may take up to one full business day)